517DESIGN HAUS - Online Portfolio

Friday, February 08, 2008

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Friday, August 18, 2006

Design House

Mido 2

Mido 1


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Young Saxophonists Association of Armenia

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Yeritsyan Alco logotype

SVP Product logotype

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Axon ISP website

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Afisha Magazine website

Minasyan Heritage website

Hermek website

Axon corporate identity

Flash Studio corporate identity

Mixtour Tourism corporate identity

Erebuni Novo corporate identity

Orange Pages corporate identity

Armenian Design corporate identity

Dashink Party website

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Ally Earth County website

Sushi stolitsa website - 3rd version

Sushi stolitsa website - 2nd version

Sushi stolitsa website - 1st version


Pizza Stolitsa website - 6th version

Eriicta - European Regional Institute of Information Technologies in Caucasus

Pizza Stolitsa website - 5th version

Pizza Stolitsa website - 4th version

Pizza Stolitsa website - 3rd version

Pizza Stolitsa website - 2nd version

Pizza Stolitsa website - 1st version

Spayka - international Cargo Transportation website

Armenian Design website

Highfest website

Artlove website - 5th version

Artlove website - 4th version

Artlove website - 3rd version

Artlove website - 2nd version

Artlove website - 1st version

Sion Real Estate Agency

Hello, world!
My name is Sedrak M
krtchyan. I'm a designer from Armenia.
I have founded the conception of "517design house". And here I want to represent my works, websites, posters, artworks, anything. I hope discussion will help us all improve and further develop our skills.

I have an online journal here. Visit it to read about my everyday life.

Thank you all, who will be my future readers and visitors.